Prospective Suppliers 


Find out how to do business with LLNL. The Laboratory spends over $1B annually for a broad range of products and services which support the Laboratory's overall mission. Here you will find the information you need including what we buy and how to start.

Doing Business with LLNL

Solar panel field
A scientist team working in the lab with many equipment.

 Current Suppliers  


As our current suppliers, you can check the status of purchase order payments, find essential information, guidelines, resources that you may need. Your contributions are vital to our collective mission, and we appreciate your ongoing commitment to excellence and innovation. 

Find What You Need

 Pre-Qualification Requirements for Construction Subcontractors


To qualify for construction and construction-related opportunities, contracts must provide the information following the guidline. 

Detail Information

A construction team reviewing floorplan
A team having a discussion together

 Consultant Office 


In the Consultant Office, we prepare and award consultant agreements. Requests for consultant services are initiated by submittal of a Consultant Services Package to the Consultant Office.

Visit Office >>

General and Special Provisions, Forms & JHA


Find all the supplier information, General Provisions and Forms, Special Provisions and Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) and other resources for your procurement needs. 

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Signing contract